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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  September 24, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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price. it looks to be a 1.5 to $2 billion short term cost. >> well we have seen history of intervention in the housing market before. we will keep an eye on that one this time around. appreciate it. >> that does it for closing bell. kelly, always a pleasure to have you with us. >> and fast money begins right now. >> live from the nasdaq market site i'm melissa lee. here is tonight's line up. hedge fund big wig joins us with stock picks globally. multibillion dollar listing, the exchange war is on for twitter's ipo. and a stock that has more than doubled this year we're talking to the ceo of web md. our traders are tonight are steven, guy, and pete. resisting the rally.
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the ten year rally dropping back to its lowest level since august. >> we gave back that whole pop. you had positive headlines from lenar and kb homes and it was good for a quick fix. nothing stuck. i think you will see more selling. >> i think that is probably where you want to go in this environment. if you look at what the stock market is doing, the stock market in the short term is a voting mechanism and we're right in the middle of it. it's a dead heat right now. that's where the fight is. if we don't hold 1695 which was today's low, i think we go lower. if you look back over the last qe announcements you would see a decline over the next couple of months. >> it's too early to say it's
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over. i think we got to 15.60. i think deflation is the real thing they are battling. i think the ten year is headed back down to 2. will we print 2%? probably not. that's exactly where it traded and i think that's interesting. that support level that we have seen. >> it's all about being stock specific. you can see that big spike in the s&p 500 last week off of the fed and the lack of the tapering that everybody expected. somewhere between 10 and $20 billion. then everybody falls back into the reality. what we continue to see in the market and the world of the derivatives is people looking very short term. nobody wants to go far out there. in multiple areas of the market the s&p 500, the russel facebook apple, go through the list.
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over 50% of all trade is occurring in the weeklies or in the first month expiring options. people don't want to make a bet on something longer term. >> they are nervous about debt ceiling and political trade. anything ahead of that should be bought. >> like what? >> i would say stay long all of your tech plays. stay long -- i sold my eem because i think it will be an interest rate trade. >> what are you saying about more speculative names? >> absolutely massive specifically if you want to go towards facebook. the majority of which are on the call side. they did go out into november today. november 70 strike calls. people were buying those. there are certain pockets there
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are areas. you look at the airlines. we're seeing very, very specific. the energy names, i have been trimming those names because of the rapid move. many of the names in the drilling space, you go through the energy world, that has been a huge spike. >> how much of those trades are stock replacement strategies? to me that would make it more bearish. >> that would be really interesting. i would say stock replacement if they are deeper into the money. these are people that are speculating that these stocks are going higher. face book has been a monster. >> we debated linked in last night. some people thought it might be over. maybe it is over. i still think that linked in is going to make another all time
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high. every opportunity to trade lower today. didn't do it. i think linked in is a player. >> just to jump back to facebook, all of these upgrades are so late. >> late. >> thanks for the heads up here. >> it's unbelievable that these banks come out with upgrades. you almost think that the link is a little too long. >> you go back a week or a month, this stock is absolutely been a violent move to the upside. the options seem to double triple quadruple. >> our next guest says the fed party is not over yet. started his investment career david's global macro fund seeing annual returns of 12%.
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>> a lot of your colleagues have said no more new investers say it's difficult to find value. >> the environment is one that is favorable investing and picking stocks. i don't think it's all that surprising. in terms of what is going on the fed is still highly accommodating and they are pumping in a lot of liquidity. that is self-limiting because unless we get earnings growth the market can't move that much higher. >> not a risk of a significant set back but not necessarily the upside of big gains. if you believe that the tape ser
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going to start in december then that is the time frame which you are looking for gains. >> very much so. i think you have a fourth quarter rally, you may have some indigestion this week but, into the fourth quarter, the market ought to behave reasonably well. >> i know the financials i have liked black stone for a long time. it's had a great run recently. is it too much too fast? >> i think there is still upside. this is the perfect environment for them to realize their investment. stocks are not particularly expensive. yes it has moved up but they are in the sweet spot. >> his topic was morgan stanley and he basically said revenue growth environment for banks, very challenged but you got the
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restructuring juice. so for j.p. morgan specifically what is going to propel it? >> i think it gets caught up with the market. i like the stock. but, it's going to trade with the large financials for the time being. >> let's talk financials and then bonds that you thought might go a little higher and yields lower. it's going to backfire them. >> i think the biggest problem is if the economy doesn't grow adequately. you have seen the cuts that city bank has made. you have seen people having trouble in their mortgage business in general as a result of the housing sector starting to come off the boil a little bit. these banks ought to do well. i'm not too worried about the yield term flattening.
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>> i want to switch gears to japan. is this really a short yen kind of trade? >> in terms of the sort of positions that i think are favorable in japan, they are beneficiaryies of a weaker japan. clearly in an environment where auto sales are stronger in the united states, that's going to be quite favorable for the sector in general. in japan, there is clear structural reform getting underway and the market has not been able to understand this as easily as it has the pure monetary expansion. we will see how it measures out over the course of the next month on this and i think that is quite favorable. >> as far as stock specific you
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talk about the auto sector. is there a specific name there? just for a moment do you like the more conservative banks? jp morgan black stone, or do you like some of the beta banks? >> i like the black stone and the j.p. morgan better. they are very dimpbt animals but i don't think you need to get too crazy. in japan as a far as the autos, you look at stocks with significant domestic production. i'm less interested in a sfok like honda. >> david i will leave it here where you will stick with us. in the meantime let's get a market flash here. that's moving big time in the afterhours session. >> it is. check out those shares. they are to the downside.
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this is a company that specializes in cancer treatments. earlier this month there were reports from bloomberg that they could be setting themselves up for a possible sale. a bloomberg report citing that this particular company has failed to find a buyer. those shares are taking a bit of a hit. but maybe not the case here this time around. back over to you. >> coming up next gives us an update on his top tech plays. >> google ebay, netflix are attractive stocks. there is is a lot of liquidity that will continue to chase after these stocks. >> find out if he is sticking with streaming video next. plus announcing a completely new version of its accounting software
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software. the details on the deal with intuit's president live after this break.
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>> john joins us now from intuit's headquarters with ceo brad smith. >> hey, brad thanks for being with us. let's talk about that partnership between you guys and square. you had your own go payment solution that service providers have used. why go with square as opposed to somebody more competitive with you? >> we're excited about the opportunity because our goal is to be the operating system to help small businesses succeed. and today there are lots of ways that you can help small businesses succeed. you have a lot of small businesses like square who are doing that exceptionally well. we tend to focus on service
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businesses. we think the combination of having square for retailers and restaurants and then maintaining go payment, we give them the best of all wordlds. it helps the small businesses to work with any product they need and work with quick books. >> some folks have been worried that square would try to do more of what quick books does. >> at the heart of small business owners today, over 4 million of them use quick books desktop. so this does create more traction and more stickiness. >> you reiterated your outlook for fiscal 2014. given some of the uncertainties that you are seeing particularly software companies, do you think it is some amount of stability? a lot of nose about that. how much is baked into this? >> all of the boof.
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we are still seeing an economy. but our small business franchise grew last year because we help them do things that they have to do. so that that we are guiding, we think that is is a very doable proposition. it is a little more of an unanswered question. we are waiting to see how things will unfold. we have a great franchise. how is that changing the way that you create products and roll it out right now. >> today we have two-thirds of our customers using a cloud based version. it has caused us to step back and have to reimagine our products. 30 days ago and it won't just be tablets and phones. we have to reimagine how
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customers want to have access to this information. engineers are really excited. >> brad smith not only making the shift to mobile but trying to make quick books a platform and stave off some of that kpe competition. >> thank you very much. with the ceo of intuit. the business has transformed in the past year or so. it is geared towards serving small businesses with things like quick books. >> it wasn't great. morgan stanley downgraded the stock. i think a lot of people got excited when they added an additional $2 billion. here at $66, i would rather be a seller than a buyer. i think it could trade down to the level that morgan stanley put on it. i would be not a buyer. >> breaking news. want to go kate kelly. >> melissa, we have learned that
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in terms of the settlement talks that are no occur ingring over the insider trading case, the government aparntdly approached sac about the possibility of a settlement and a set-down occurred last week the first in some time the first since that case was filed between lawyers for the two sides. i am told that talks are at an early stage. figuring out what to do next and it could be weeks before we see any sort of sense of an sac counter offer, if they're going to make one. the case itself is moving at a somewhat slow pace. the judge gave attorneys more time to go through what they describe as enormous material involved with the case and the next hear something not until december 20. >> kate thanks for that update on the sac capital case. let's go back to our previous guests. let's get a trade update here.
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he had three tech picks, google ebay and net flix. we want to go back to you. let's start with net flix. >> it's been a great stock. >> this is the problem that many people have. >> i don't think it's over for this stock. it's still relatively early in their life cycle. the stock acts pretty well too. >> as far as a stock like this after the run that it has had exit's been, and it's been an amazing run. where you would buy some productive puts just to be able to hold on? >> i'm living with the position as it is. look anything that has gone up that much can give you a hiccup. it has been a good stock.
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>> how do you look at you tube? everyone looks at google as just a search engine. youtube is an untapped resource. >> i think google is very attractive but it's ubiquitous. it has got a lot of tentacles out there. youtube is certainly a force to be reckoned with. i don't think netflix does away with cable companies either. >> i know you examine these things closely. what is the problem with netflix? what headline comes out that makes you get rid of netflix? maybe there is not one. there has got to be some other side of this coin. >> look i think that the biggest issues with the stock are their international expansion. and if they don't do a good enough job, if they spend too
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much money, that is a negative for the stock that i keep my eyes peeled for. these guys are continuing to execute and execute very, very well. >> is there anybody on the radar then that could take market share from them? it seems that everybody is getting into this business now. >> yeah i think that's clearly a risk for the stock. everybody wants into the business. but we're seeing a significant shift from standard tv distribution to the more netflix type of mode and there is probably room for other entrants there. >> do you then go and buy -- you mentioned the cable companies. you spread your bets across them all. is that the strategy? >> i don't want to spread my bets too thin no. i would rather have concentrated positions that we think will work. netflix is one of them. >> can amazon do this? over 10,000 free videos. i use it a lot for my children. this is is a free service.
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and then you get the kicker of the free videos. so instead of having to pay for a different subscription. >> it's a risk. it's clearly a risk. this is not a stock for the faint of heart. it has moved up significantly exit and it's got to continue to execute. >> that's not even when you necessarily got into the stock. you could have seen more gain from the 26% we are earmarking at this point. but have you trimmed? >> i have left it unchanged. >> you have left it unchanged. let's go to ebay because you actually sold it. >> yes. >> what was the catalyst there? >> you know it's just not growing rapidly enough i think is the real issue with ebay. and the stock doesn't act particularly well either. so i sort of lost patience with it to be quite frank. >> i want to talk about casinos.
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everybody looks to mccowell but now a lot of people are turning to the philippines. and the 2020 olympics could be the catalyst towards japan legalizing casinos. which ones do you like and which do you see as the most likely future catalyst in that area of the world? >> okay. i quite like the mccowel based casinos. much more rapid than the market anticipated and the stocks have acted particularly well. i like gal lax yaxy. i also like crown, which is is a smaller player which has more room for international expansion. i'm somewhat less interested in the u.s. based companies. >> so like an mgm? >> you know the growth is in asia.
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>> don't many of these have exposure to asia? where they have been able to develop some properties? >> las vegas sands, yes, they do. but it's a question of whether or not you want a pure play or if you want a mixture of u.s. exposure. >> is there an investment thesis saying i want to be in this player because they are well positioned? but also well positioned. >> i think it's too early for japan. japan will be a huge market but who is going to dominate there. whether or not it's going to open up is quite unclear. that's speculative at this point. the philippines is clearly making room. and, you know crown is one way that you can participate in that. >> thanks so much for stopping by.
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it's always a pleasure to have you. pete, let's go to you. you asked whether or not you would hedge. you looked incredulous. >> i was shocked. i am looking at a stock that makes that kind of a violent move netflix, that had made such a spectacular move. for me i'm going to trip or i will try to form some sort of a hedge. going back to the casinos for just a moment i think that's one of the names that obviously from an exposure standpoint. we have seen some activity today where they were rolling up. they are already in the november 65 calls. rolling up to the 67.5 calls. this stock has made an unbelievable run. people think there is more behind this run. >> i want to go to our next guest. david is saying it's way too early. >> i think it might be. but you have got to remember that people are paying for
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growth. when you look at japan, that's the growth indication. but all of these names have been running off of them. the real move was based on mccowel. >> citi group jumping on the facebook bull wagon. why is bk clinging tightly to his bear suit? it's a street fight "fast money" style. [ male announcer ] ah... retirement. sit back, relax pull out the paper and what? another article that says investors could lose tens
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of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! seriously? seriously. you don't believe it? search it. "401(k) hidden fees." then go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. we have every type of retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. why? because we're not your typical wall street firm that's why. so you keep more of your money. e-trade. less for us. more for you. when i say xerox, i know what you're thinking...
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transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you're thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it's no surprise to you that companies depend on today's xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. with xerox you're ready for real business.
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>> facebook getting a like today. the stock hitting a new high after being upgraded to a high and bumped the price target up to 55 bucks a share. time for a good old fashioned
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street fight. pete is the bull and bk is the beer. >> if you look at facebook it has been on a spectacular run. when you also look at what zuckerberg has been able to do it was something that everybody said they needed to do. now they are doing it and i think they are doing an unbelievable job as far as execution. the advertisers now, they talked about 15% sequential growth as far as their ad spend. then when you start to look at some of the video and other areas in which they are going forward and the potential that the company could become an s&p 500 company, there is a lot of reasons to still like facebook a lot. >> i'm going to borrow from yogi bear to say the place is so crowded that nobody goes there any more. they are 900 million users and we don't know how many of them
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are real. you have another company called twitter which is about to go public. they want to know who has the glen gary leads. i do know twitter does. look at what these companies do that are helpful to them and how they make their money, they can allow their users to monetize the experience. you're not doing that on facebook. it's simply an advertising spot. >> when you look at facebook they have stolen something from google. they are going for keyword ad targeting. that is something that will work very well. >> anybody can do that. >> all right. time for the verdict. we turn now to guy who i believe has a real facebook account. >> i do. >> i have a fake one. >> what does that mean? >> it's not me. >> we don't need the virtual you. >> pete has been on this. my premise has been you own it
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until they report. i don't know what that report is going to be and i'm surprise ds that it's up here already. but i think the momentum is behind them. as we get close to earnings momentum will continue. >> we want to know who you out there thought won our street fight. tweet us using hash tag bull or hash tag bear. results at the end of the show. let's go where brian has the options activity for facebook. brian, what did you see? >> you can chalk it up three people now to one against face book and for it. basically on thes of call buying today. the october 46 calls were purchased 8,000 times. the stock is getting above $50 a share by october in the next couple of weeks. the momentum is certainly to the up side. the stock is up 100% since over the last three months since it broke out from earnings.
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it's a huge run. i think buying calls is the way to play it at this point. i still have short puts on do to the downside. i think zuckerberg has played his earnings growth. if he hits 100% growth 200 times earnings is acceptable and the stock can move higher. >> brian, thanks for that. let's talk about twitter here. we did get some big news today. cnbc learned that they are considering listing on the nyse. don joins us now on the fast line. great to see you. and you know at first blush you might think this is a big deal because when you think of nasdaq you think of technology but at the same time you say it's not really a surprise so why do we care? >> the first thing that jumped out is you think this is the anti-facebook. twitter has tried to be the anti-facebook when it comes to going public for quite some
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time, even going back to the way they were handling their employee employees. twitter held a really tight reign. here facebook went with the nasdaq and it caused problems due to technical glitches and etc. as you say they may be leaning there but i don't believe the new york stock exchange has been told that twitter is listing there. at the same time the new york stock exchange has taken a lot of tech listings as of late. >> in terms of what the nasdaq might do if twit ser leaning to the nyse the nasdaq can still woo them. might they severely slash listing fees in order to attract twitter? >> what you get in terms of money or what nasdaq would get, probably pales in comparison to
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having twitter. i looked at some numbers last month to see how nasdaq had done against new york stock exchange since the facebook ipo. it actually gained market share in terms of total ipos. >> that's number of issuers? >> right. obviously off nasdaq issues are smaller. a lot of these are biotech. the reports this morning suggest that twitter will offer around 50 million shares. the last time we saw a 50 million share plus ipo was hd supply. that was a non-tech listing that actually went to nasdaq. >> dan, thank you. let's talk about this. now there is is a lot of chatter that perhaps if the nasdaq loses this it might push them into doing some sort of deal on their own. >> there is is a lot of chatter. and so i think that a lot of people would say if they don't get twitter you have got to
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short the stock. it has bounced back since that september or whatever that glitch you want to call it. i would be very -- it's a no touch or a long but it's definitely not a short. >> got a cough? sore throat wearing you down? maybe you're worried about your cholesterol? maybe you're on the hunt for a fast money momentum stock. webmd has seen gains of well over 100% year to date after this break. ♪ ♪ [ cows moo ] [ sizzling ] more rain... [ thunder rumbles ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] when the world moves... futures move first. learn futures from experienced pros with dedicated chats and daily live webinars. and trade with papermoney to test-drive the market. ♪ ♪ all on thinkorswim.
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from td ameritrade. my customers can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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>> welcome back to fast money. we are live. this week we are speaking to ceos and more. tonight we are focused on webmd. the stock is up 106% already this year while the s&p 500 is up only 19%. only in comparison. joining us on set with what is next, david. >> pleasure to be here. >> obviously it's a very high growth company. you have been touting the position. is there a trade off at this
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point? a lot of companies when they talk about a transition to mobile they are talking about sacrificing mobility on some point. >> we view mobile as an incredible opportunity for us. to date we have had nominal revenues. we really see an inflection point where we see substantial demand from our customers and we are really in the process now of rolling out a whole new set of mobile ad products. >> all right. now we are talking about looking up symptoms online. 80% of your revenue comes from selling ads. we're talking about the transition to mobile. we saw that you reported page view growth actually slowed down on a sequential basis. a lot of analysts say that's because of the transition to mobile. you're not going to keep thumbingthumb ing throw. are you seeing that impact? >> not at all.
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we have said before that we have ample page inventory on the pc to satisfy revenue expectations. because we have had very little mobile monetization in the past we do see it as an opportunity. >> google has announced that it will do something similar, calico. does that -- is that a threat to you? how do you view them comeing in. >> as i understand the google announcement is really not about empowering consumers with with health information but looking for new solutions. >> completely outside of your realm? >>ss as i understand it. >> do you view your business plan as a search engine for health? >> we certainly provide a
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comprehensive health and wellness experience. healthy lifestyle, healthy living. we view health as an everyday activity. we have been fortunate to build a very substantial audience of consumers and health care professionals. over 125 million health professionals and consumers come on to our site every month. as a result of that we are the most well recognized leading brands in the space. >> what is the impact of the affordable care act? do you see increased traffic or do you see pull backs in advertising because health care companies are not sure what the impact on them will be? >> sure. we view the affordable care act and a bunch of the other trends for us. so with respect to the affordable care act in particular is a set of information and services to help people understand the impact of the affordable care act.
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>> the ceo of webmd. guy, what's your trade here? >> volatile stock. but it's a stock that has been doing everything right. if you can stomach the moves, there is a big enough shortage. it's probably a name that you want to continue to own. their quarters have been really good and i don't see any reason to shy away from them again. the valuation is extraordinarily high. >> coming up. a look at some of the biggest moments on cnbc today. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ ♪ when
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you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy. ge is revolutionizing power. supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. using data predictively to help power entire cities. so the turbines of today... will power us all... into the future. ♪ ♪ thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions...
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in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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>> welcome back. in case you missed some of today's top moments, here is a rapid fire recap of today's executive edge. >> now it's really asia pacific in the lead slightly. in 20 years it will be asia pacific in the lead in a big way with only 20% of demand coming
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from the u.s. >> on consumer confidence, a little light. 79.7. we were looking for 79.9. >> twitter is leaning toward listing on the new york stock exchange though there is no official decision been made. >> some may disagree. but i believe america is exceptional. in part because we have shown a willingness through the sacrifice of blood and treasure to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interests but for the interests of all. >> if you really want to help the team why not have the guy sitting next to you suit up? >> he is going to spend some time on the court with the players. >> cnbc has learned that the federal reserve is contacting certain news organizations to discuss the procedures surrounding the fed's lock up room. in particular the lock up room that happened on wednesday during the fed's no taper
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decision. >> revenues stink in the banking industry. we still think this decade will be the worst for bank revenue growth since the decade of the great depression. and by the way, that's an easy call. >> big show down president obama has this week with congress. it's going to be kicked off to the senate. we will see where the debt sealing lands. you want to be a buyer. >> coming up next the biggest undercover movers of the day, a special end of show pops and drops edition.
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(announcer) at scottrade, our clients trade and invest exactly how they want. with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade.
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(announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine. >> if bk loved america, what stock would you buy? >> bk does love america. come on people. i was born on flag day. almost the same thing. i do love america. what's more american than apple pie? i'm going to bring it right back to apple. apl.
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that is what i would lie today. >> flag day is july 14? >> june 14. >> now people will say i don't love america which i do. >> why don't you love america? >> stop it. i love america. starbucks versus green mountain. which one or both? >> i think you have to go with starbucks. gmcr, i think when you look at the the growth factors, as far as starbucks but not just the stores. there is is a reason that starbucks goes a lot higher. some of that wind comes out and this thing drops down. >> time now for pops and drops. big movers of the day. >> m & a still in the air. crude coming down and airline coming down. >> pop? >> stock has been a dog since may. i would call this a pounce. and a couple things in the quarter. a couple met tricks smetrics that
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people are looking at. >> a drop for j.c. penney. >> you know when they used to say k-mart sucks? j.c. penney sucks. >> how many more times can we use that word on the air? >> k-mart? >> no. pop here for carnival down 7%. >> their full year forecast not so good. definitely short of what the analysts are looking for. i still think you can stay away from this name. it's getting close. >> and we got a pop here for the rooftop racehorse. a thoroughbred named must win when he hoofed it up to the rooftop. he got bored. but this photo is not the finish. must win was successfully coached down and there is a wall to keep him safely.
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>> horse is like the dumbest animal on the earth. >> they have small brains i heard. >> they will get hurt. >> i don't need hate mail from your jockeys. >> and i love america. i don't want any mail to that effect. >> we all love america. >> who doesn't. >> all right. one more thfgs. >> what happened. >> our traders are quick but not always right. >> if the housing trade has turned best buy has to turn. i would be extraordinarily cautious. >> since the call is stock is up 7%. >> i think the market is probably up. >> it doesn't matter. it's up 7%. ? i don't think you can initiate. >> try to talk your way out of it. >> i'm not talking myself out of anything. >> i guess the horse gets the last laugh? awe. >> nice.
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>> first trade tomorrow when we come back. stay tuned. building animatronics is all about getting things to work together. the timing the actions, the reactions.
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>> pete won the street fight. he took home the trophy on facebook. there is no trophy but you won. >> america loves me. >> we all love america. >> mutual feeling here. pety? >> jet blue. the airlines are going a lot higher. >> tesla. you do not have to go all in at this level. i am in the name still. every sale i have ever made in the name i regret. tesla. >> say it again. one more time. >> tesla. >> you know sticking with the american theme, i'm going to go to the midwest and actually southwest. texas t. >> you do love america. >> i do love america. >> final trade. >> i'm an equestrian like you wouldn't believe. >> i don't believe it. >> you remind me of half a
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horse. >> thing a space has been under question. i'm telling you something. >> thanks for watching. see you tomorrow at meantime "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. >> my mission is sim. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. you want to make friends, try to make a little money. my job is not just to entertain you but to educate and teach you. call me 800-743-cnbc. now, where was the cornage? last 20 minutes not so hot. but wrs the vast destruction? in the fac
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